Monochromatic Light
What are Monochromatic Lights (Monolights) and how are they used?

Lapmaster Wolters Monochromatic Lights are used to measure surface flatness within millionths of an inch. These self-contained units use a helium light tube to produce a glare free light of known wavelength (23.2 millionths of an inch). When a Monochromatic Lights is used with Lapmaster Wolters Optical Flats, contrasting light and dark bands are readily observed on most reflective or semi-reflective surfaces. Surface flatness to within .000001" is quickly and easily measured on parts ranging in size up to 10.5" in diameter.
We offers an entire line of lapping and polishing lighting accessories to serve nearly every application.
An optical flat must be used in conjunction with a monochromatic light source to view accurate interference fringe patterns of a flat surface. The unit must be sized large enough to completely cover and illuminate the optical flat being used. The specific gas in the light tube radiates light waves of a specific length. The wavelength of light is the measurement reference utilized by the optical flat (remember, half of the wavelength is a light band).
Lapmaster currently offers two lines of tabletop monochromatic light units. The CP line includes the CP-1 and CP-2. These are considered portable units because they have a hinge and latches to open and close, a small storage space to accept the electrical cord and other items as well as a carrying handle. Both of these helium gas units operate on 110 volt, 1 phase, 50/60-hertz power. The size of the diffusing lens covering the helium tube is 11” by 14” on the CP-1 and 6’ by 10” on the CP-2.
The new MLS line of monochromatic lights consists of the MLS-8 and MLS-16. These units consist of a sodium tube contained in a white painted fabricated sheet metal housing. These tabletop units operate on 110 volt, 1 phase, 50/60-hertz power. The diffusing lens size of each unit measures: 8” by 15.5” for MLS-8 and 18.6” by 20.8” for MLS-16.
Lapmaster stocks spare helium tubes, sodium tubes, diffusing lenses and transformers. A 220 volt, 50/60 hertz, 1 phase wall mount type step-down transformer is available as an optional item for customers that do not have 110 volt service.