Lapping Vehicles

Lapping vehicle is the liquid cutting fluid used to carry the abrasive to the lap plate, maintain film strength, provide temperature transport for heat dissipation and provide lubricity. Lapmaster offers both oil and water base lapping vehicle. Several water base products are provided in a concentrate form to help the customer save transportation expense. All vehicle products are available in one, five and fifty-five gallon container sizes.
Oil Base Lapping Vehicle
Oil Base lapping vehicle should be used if a customer can use oil and petroleum cleaning solvents. This is not because of greater performance, but because of oil’s ease of use. Oil does not evaporate and the lap plate remains wetted between cycles, during lunch breaks and overnight. Oil vehicles are self-rinsing. This means that the excess lapping slurry will drain from the components, lap plate and waste trough. No problem is created when components are left on a lap plate overnight or over the weekend. The oil also serves as rust preventive so nothing need be done to the machine or components at the end of the workday except to cover the machine to prevent contamination from airborne matter.
#3 Oil Base Lapping Vehicle
This oil base product formula has been offered by Lapmaster for over 40 years and accounts for the greatest volume sold of any vehicle product. An additive package is blended into this vehicle to provide lubricity, extreme pressure capability and suspension properties. This is a general purpose lapping vehicle suitable for use in all applications where oil is a tolerable substance to come into contact with the components.
#6 Oil Base Lapping Vehicle
The #6 lapping vehicle has a history with Lapmaster almost as long as the #3 product. This product is also blended with an additive package equivalent to the #3 product. This product is simply an alternative to the #3 vehicle and is also general purpose in nature.The machining performance derived from this product is equivalent to that of the #3 product.
Lapmaster-PW #205 Oil Based Lapping Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #205 Oil Based Vehicle is designed to optimize the performance of this unique machining technique as well as other processes requiring an abrasive slurry. The suspension qualities of the #210 oil based vehicle will assure that the required abrasive/vehicle ratio is consistently delivered to the part/wheel interface. In applications involving an abrasive particle size of 9.5 microns or less, #205 Vehicle is recommended. The formulation of #205 enhances the suspension and cutting rates of “fine” abrasive particles.
Lapmaster-PW #1301 Oil Based Lapping Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #1301 Oil Based Lapping Vehicle is designed to optimize the performance of this unique machining technique as well as other processes requiring an abrasive slurry. The suspension qualities of the #1301 oil based vehicle will assure that the required abrasive/vehicle ratio is consistently delivered to the part/wheel interface.
Water Base Lapping Vehicle
Water base lapping vehicles in most cases need to be mixed at a specific ratio with water prior to use.The first decision the customer must make relative to lapping vehicle selection is which type of product, water or oil base vehicle. This may be an easy decision if the customer has a policy that mandates the use of water base. Some other firms have enacted policies that will not allow petrochemical cleaning solvents to be used in their facility. This policy often is cause to rule out the use of oil base cutting fluids because they are difficult to remove with non-petrochemical cleaning products.
#22 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
This is one of the original water base products offered by Lapmaster. The concentrate is mixed with ten parts water for proper dilution and viscosity. The original recommendation for use is applications involving the processing of glass, compound semiconductor material, electro-optic material, ceramic, jewel bearing materials and plastic.
#99 Ready-to-Use Water Base Lapping Vehicle
This non-concentrate product is application specific for processing aluminum only. No mixing of this vehicle is required.
#100 Ready-to-Use Water Base Lapping Vehicle
This product possesses current chemical technology and is recommended for general purpose use with the exception of aluminum.No mixing of this vehicle is required.
#101 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
This is the same product chemically as #100 except that it is a concentrate version. It should be mixed with water at a ratio of 4:1. Not for use when processing aluminum.
#102 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
It is a general purpose product that is mixed with water at a ratio of 4:1 to process metals. The ratio can be increased as high as 10:1 (dependent on desired viscosity) for processing non-metal applications.
Lapmaster-PW #150 Ready-to-Use Water Base Lapping Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #150 was developed for use with larger Free Abrasive and Lapping Machines and is well suited to the machining of aluminum, magnesium and silicon materials that are known to cause gassing problems in reclaim drums due to hydroxide formation. Improved wetting action and lubricity enhancement are additional features of this vehicle. No mixing of this vehicle is required.
Lapmaster-PW #160 Ready-to-Use Water Base Lapping Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #160 Water Base Vehicle combines all the features and benefits of oil based vehicles in a water based configuration. Lapmaster-PW #160 is recommended for Free-Abrasive Machining and Lapping of glass, ceramics and most non-metallic materials. It may also be used on metallic parts as recommended by the Lapmaster Wolters Technical Services Group.No mixing of this vehicle is required.
Lapmaster-PW #161 Ready-to-Use Water Base Lapping Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #161 is an Economical Water Base Vehicle that combines all the features and benefits of oil based vehicles in a water based configuration. It is recommended for Free-Abrasive Machining/ Lapping of glass, ceramics and most non-metallic materials. It may also be used on metallic parts as recommended by the Lapmaster Wolters Technical Services Group. No mixing of this vehicle is required.
Lapmaster-PW #163 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
Lapmaster-PW #163 Water Base Vehicle Concentrate is the best abrasive suspending vehicle for free-abrasive machining and general lapping. It combines all the features of a Lapmaster oil base vehicle in a water based concentrate configuration.The concentrate is normally mixed with water at a ratio of 1 part concentrate to 4 parts water. This produces five gallons of vehicle for every gallon of concentrate.
Lapmaster-PW #170 Ready-to-Use Water Lapping Base Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #170 Ready-to-Use Water Base Vehicle combines all the features and benefits of Lapmaster-PW oil based vehicles in a water based configuration. Lapmaster-PW #170 is recommended for Free-Abrasive Machining/ Lapping of glass, ceramics and most non-metallic materials. It may also be used on metallic parts as recommended by the Lapmaster Wolters Technical Services Group. No mixing of this vehicle is required.
Lapmaster-PW #175 Water Base Vehicle Lapping Concentrate
Lapmaster-PW #175 Water Base Vehicle Lapping Concentrate is recommended for Free-Abrasive Machining/ Lapping of glass, ceramics, silicon wafers and most non-metallic materials. It may also be used on metallic parts as recommended by the Lapmaster Wolters Technical Services Group. The concentrate is normally mixed with water at a ratio of 1 part vehicle concentrate to 20 parts water.
Lapmaster-PW #178 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
Lapmaster-PW #178 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate is recommended for Free-Abrasive Machining/ Lapping of glass, ceramics, silicon wafers and most non-metallic materials. It may also be used on metallic parts as recommended by the Lapmaster Wolters Technical Services Group.Lapmaster-PW #178 provides greater lubrication and more film strength where higher pressures are encountered on dense materials, where trueing retaining rings contain a high percentage of surface area and on certain other specialized applications. The concentrate is normally mixed with water at a ratio of 1 part vehicle concentrate to 20 parts water.
Lapmaster-PW #195 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate
Lapmaster-PW #195 Water Base Lapping Vehicle Concentrate is designed for SemiConductor materials and is also suited for glass, ceramic, plastic or any non-metallic part machining. This concentrate, when mixed at recommended ratios with water, will give controlled viscosity vehicle needed for abrasive suspension and uniform strong film on a wheel for best stock removal, flatness and surface finishes. The concentrate is normally mixed with water at a ratio of 1 part concentrate to 4/5 parts water.
Lapmaster-PW #1160 Ready-to-Use Water Lapping Base Vehicle
Lapmaster-PW #1160 Ready-to-Use Water Lapping Base Vehicle combines all the features and benefits of Lapmaster-PW oil based vehicles in a water based configuration. Lapmaster-PW #1160 is recommended for the processing of glass, ceramic, tungsten carbide, hard or soft metal, cast iron and stainless steel metals. This vehicle is the same viscosity as good lapping oil and and requires no mixing or additional additives besides abrasive.