DW 292-300

The DW292-300 is specifically designed for slicing monocrystalline silicon blocks with up to 300mm diameter into high quality wafers for the semiconductor industry.
The new developed DW292-300 is capable to be run with slurry as well as diamond wire and includes sophisticated features to improve wafer quality such as warp and waviness
Longer wire web length as well as higher wire speed and wire acceleration enable an increased throughput per machine and year. Usage of very thin diamond wire is possible as a result of optimized inertia of moving parts, less deflection rollers and shorter wire path.
The DW292-300 is highly insensitive to temperature fluctuation and vibrations due to its compact and robust mineral cast frame and rigid design.
Operation is safer, easier and faster thanks to higher process automation and new intuitive HMI with dialog-based production assistant.
Your benefits:
- High quality wafer
- Increased throughput
- Robustness and durability
- Higher process automation
- Easy and safe operation